
Don’t want to look over my shoulder and see regrets

Want to live a life of happiness, rich fulfillment, giving and, mostly, love

Can’t go back once grown

Too late


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I was transplaned from Tucson to Idaho in 1994. I really love living here. The beauty of Spring, Summer and Fall. Winter? The snow is pretty but I prefer to be warm, can’t stand the bitter cold!?Now I understand the term Snowbird. I have 3 amazing granddaughters who live nearby and a husband I adore. I love to fish. (The tranquility of it rejuvenates my soul), stargazing, gardening and music. Oh, and Bingo. Writing does not come to me naturally, but I like taking pictures with my iPhone.

10 thoughts on “Regret”

  1. I like how you’ve pieced this together and have left us with a sense of “hanging” ~ because this speaks with a tone of both “no regrets” (more or less – at the very least, more positive than not, and of acceptance of those less than great moments) – and then ends with “too late/disillusioned” ….. so where, exactly are we? hovering, yet not unreasonable …. for it does seem to suggest wisdom of acceptance and the willingness to keep moving forward ….

    although your sister Mary shared the link to the Tuesday Platform – please, don’t be shy – feel free to drop by the Garden and stop in to see what others have written or to share again, for any of the other prompts as they come up – we don’t bite and welcome new people to join us in their poetic endeavours!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Forgive the lateness of getting back to you. Thank you for comment. I’m happy that you enjoyed it. Thank you for the invite 😃

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It is. As I try (and I mean try) to tell my kids “go for what you want now for you will be happier in the long run”. Ahh, but they know best. Right? Lol


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